Marketing 101

  1. Be authentic when you talk about your products and have confidence.

    Remember - the only way to create a sustainable long-term business as a creator is to own your own products & sell them to your audience authentically.

    We’ve seen thousands burn out & try to play games like “predict the algorithm update” and fail or get disillusioned with content creation because they did not own their audience.

    By “own their audience” we mean: these creators did not market to their followers on Instagram/TikTok via email + SMS + freebies + knowledge-based digital products.

    Owning your audience means securing your financial future as a creator/coach/digital entrepreneur.This guide will serve as your personal playbook for monetizing with Digital Products + Owning Your Audience.

    This is often the key to longevity + happiness as a creator business owner of the future.For background, here are your the common channels that generate income for creators:

Your time and bandwidth are LIMITED.

From our data, the lion’s share (~40%+) of all creator store revenue comes from digital products.

Thus, the best way to monetize as a creator with a channel that maintains authenticity + also lets you scale revenue is ⇒ Digital Products:

So - with all this in mind. Don't feel hesitant about promoting your products! Set those worries aside - if you've crafted something that offers value to your audience, you've done 99% of the hard work. Have confidence when promoting your offers.

  1. Go Live on Instagram / TikTok 📣 👀

    The most successful creators go live with their audience to talk about their offers at least 3 times per week. Going live lets you get personal with followers and understand their questions/pain-points. Going live also lets you shoutout your superfans who will be helpful in re-posting your content!

  2. Lead with value, then introduce your offer.

    High-performing content showcases value upfront before mentioning the call to action. Sneak in the pitch at the end after giving your audience a preview of what’s in store for them.

  3. Leverage customer testimonials.

    Ask your superfans to send you a testimonial. Add testimonials to your digital products by clicking the Advanced tab on any digital product:

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